Here's some pictures from the past (1967-1970) taken while I attended Frankfurt American High School in Frankfurt, Germany. My father/family was stationed at Rhein Main Air Force Base from 1965-70. If you have any more pictures that you can add to these or know anyone who attended school or lived at Rhein Main during these years? Please have them contact me (Richard Axtman) by clicking HERE
Here's a picture of one of our many Rock Bands on stage performing at the AYA in the Gateway Gardens housing area at Rhien Main AFB. We all lived at Rhein Main Air Force Base and attended Frankfurt American High School. This isn't the same band that I played with at the 1970 FAHS Prom. Our prom band had different members. This picture was taken between 1969-70. From the left we have Dave Heath (Bass/Vocals), Richard Axtman (Drums), Scott Lentz (Guitar) and Gary "Egg" Usinger (Lead Guitar/Vocals). I still play that same set of drums. Gary went on to become a professional musisian and makes a living at it playing in Florida!!! I don't know what became of Dave or Scott, but I wish I did. Who knows they may turn up on the World Wide Web and find this.
Here's a picture of Steve Usinger, (Garry "Egg" Usinger's older brother) and my old cigarette smoking and pinball playing partner, fellow Boy Scout member of Troop 64 (He was an Eagle Scout) and good all around friend. He's seen here taking the bus between FAHS and Rhein Main Air Force Base. One of his favorite questions each day was "Got any smokes man?" or "Want to play some pinball?" He was a pinball wizard and a real brain ("A" student on the FAHS Honor Roll).
Here's Larry Parker. He used to be one of the few with a car of his own, a Volkswagon Bug that we used to drive around in. He came to see me off and was the last person in Germany I saw the day I flew out of Rhein Main back to the states.
Here's Mr. Martin on a field trip. He was my art teacher at FAHS for three years. What a great friend and teacher he was too. I still communicate with him today.
Here's a picture of Stormy Dour sitting with Debi Petriscak (Onken today). I remember Stormy, well though, we lived together and spent many an hour together in base housing at Langen Terrace.
Here's a picture of me *Richard Axtman) in my Rhein Main "Falcon's" letter jacket, hanging out at the "Automat" snack bar near the IGA Faben building. Sitting with me is Debi Petriscak (Onken today), I don't remember who the others were. What a nerd I was, even though I was an artist and played in Rock bands. It must be those military issue horn-rimmed-glasses and that required military haircut I was made to have back then.
Here's another picture of me (Richard Axtman) at the same place and time. I still have that Rhein Main "Falcons" Football Letter Jacket, some 30 years later.